GDS TO MTS Model question paper – (I)
1. What is the price of examination post card ?
A. Rs. 2 B. Rs. 10
c. Rs 6 D. Rs 0.50
Ans. B
2. Cost of LIC ?
A. Rs. 2.50 B. Rs. 5
C. Rs. 6 D. Rs. 15
Ans. A
3. Book packet pattern and sample packets for the first 50 grams or part there of
A. Rs.5 B.Rs. 10
C. Rs. 4 D. Rs. 15
Ans. C
4. Book packet pattern and sample packets for every additional 50 grams or part there of
A. Rs. 4 B. Rs. 5
C. Rs. 3 D. Rs. 2
Ans. C
5. Book packet containing printed books for the first 100 grams or part there of
A. Rs. 2 B. Rs. 1
C. Rs. 3 D. Rs. 4
Ans. B
6. Book packet containing printed Books for every additional 100 grams or part there of
A.Rs. 2 B.Rs. 3
C.Rs. 1 D. Rs. 4
Ans. C
7. Register news paper single copy a weight not exceeding 50 gram.
A. Rs. 0.50
B. Rs. 1
C. Rs. 2
D. Rs. 0.25
Ans. D
8. register news paper single copy for a weight exceeding and not exceeding 100 gm
A. Rs. 0.50
B. Rs. 1
C. Rs. 0.20
D. Rs. 0.25
Ans. C
9. Register news paper single copy for a weight additional every 100 gm
A. Rs. 0.50
B. Rs. 1
C. Rs. 2
D. Rs. 0.25
Ans. D
10. Parcels for first 500 gm or part there of
A. Rs. 16
B. Rs. 19
C. Rs. 25
D. Rs. 30
Ans. B
11. Parcels for additional every 100 gm or part there of
A. Rs. 16
B. Rs. 19
C. Rs. 25
D. Rs. 30
Ans. A
12. Fee for registration
A. Rs. 19
B. Rs. 20
C. Rs. 22
D. Rs. 17
Ans. D
13. Concessional registration fee for up packets containing printed books the cost of which is Rs 50/- or less
A. Rs. 2.50
B. Rs. 17
C. Rs. 19
D. Rs. 20
Ans. A
14. Late fee unregistered article
A. Rs. 12.00
B. Rs. 3.00
C. Rs. 5.00
D. Rs. 2.00
Ans. D
15. Late fee registered article
A. Rs. 12.00
B. Rs. 3.00
C. Rs. 5.00
D. Rs. 2.00
Ans. B
16. Air surcharge on inland article for first 50 gm
A. Rs. 3.00
B. Rs. 1.00
C. Rs. 1.50
D. Rs. 2.00
Ans. D
17. Air surcharge on inland article for every additional 50 gm
A. Rs. 3.00
B. Rs. 1.00
C. Rs. 1.50
D. Rs. 2.00
Ans. B
18. Insurance fee where the valve of insurance does not exceed Rs 200/-
A. Rs. 10
B. Rs. 5
C. Rs. 15
D. Rs. 20
Ans. A
19. Insurance fee where the valve of insurance for every additional Rs 100/- fraction there of
A. Rs. 3
B. Rs. 6
C. Rs. 10
D. Rs. 15
Ans. B
20. Fee for VPP ( valve payable posting ) not exceeding Rs 20/-
A. Rs. 5
B. Rs. 3
C. Rs. 4
D. Rs. 2
Ans. D
21. Fee for VPP ( valve payable posting ) exceeding Rs 20/- but not exceeding Rs 50/-
A. Rs. 5
B. Rs. 3
C. Rs. 4
D. Rs. 2
Ans. B
22. Fee for VPP ( valve payable posting ) exceeding Rs 50/-
A. Rs. 5
B. Rs. 3
C. Rs. 4
D. Rs. 2
Ans. A
23. Maximum weight of speed post,business parcel, express parcel
A. 25 kg
B. 35 kg
C. 30 kg
D. 25 kg
Ans. B
24. Maximum weight of book packet
A. 7 kg
B. 5 kg
C. 2 kg
D. none of above
Ans. B
25. Maximum weight of book packet contain sample pattern
A. 7 kg
B. 5 kg
C. 2 kg
D. none of above
Ans. C
26. Maximum weight of blind literature
A. 7 kg
B. 5 kg
C. 2 kg
D. none of above
Ans. A
27. Bill mail service rate of postage up to 50 gm
A. Rs. 3
B. Rs. 5
C. Rs. 6
D. Rs. 2
Ans. A
28. Bill mail service rate of postage every additional 50 gm
A. Rs. 3
B. Rs. 5
C. Rs. 6
D. Rs. 2
Ans. D
29. NBMS ( National Bill Mail Service ) rate of postage up to 50 gm
A. Rs. 3
B. Rs. 4
C. Rs. 5
D. Rs. 2
Ans. C
30. Direct post local up to first 20 gm fee for per article
A. Rs. 2
B. Rs. 3
C. Rs. 5
D. Rs. 1.50
Ans. D
31. Direct post intercity up to first 20 gm fee for per article
A. Rs. 2
B. Rs. 3
C. Rs. 5
D. Rs. 1.50
Ans. A
32. Direct post for every additional 20 gm fee for per article
A. Rs. 2
B. Rs. 3
C. Rs. 1
D. Rs. 4
Ans. C
33. e-Payment service is currently available through
A. more than 14,000 post offices
B. below 12,000 post offices
C. below 14,000 post offices
D. none of above
Ans. A
34. Minimum account taxed on unpaid/ insufficiently paid article posted in part is
A. Rs. 2
B. Rs. 3
C. Rs. 5
D. Rs. 1
Ans. D
35. It an unregistered article is received in open and torn condition at the office of delivery.
A. Entrusted to postman for delivery enclosed in a protected cover
B. Returned to sender
C. Return to RLO
D. none of above
Ans. A
36. Book of addresses instructions is maintained by
A. Deposit Assistant
B. Postmaster
C. Mail Assistant
D. Sorting Assistant
Ans. A
37. Left India article to be sent to RLO
A. 7 days
B. 15 days
C. at once
D. at one month
Ans. C
38. The annual fee of business reply card should be realized in advance and credited to
B. Postmaster account
C. To saving account
D. none of above
Ans. A
39. Acknowledgement card attached to an unclaimed / returned registered article for redelivery to sender should be
A. back to sender
B. filed with delivery slip
C. destroyed
D. none of above
Ans. C
40. Beat instruction register prepared in from
A. ms 35
B. ms 34
C. ms 33
D. ms 32
Ans. D
41. The charges to be collected when a registered letter already delivered is presented with a revised address for registration
A. cannot be registered
B. Fresh postage and registration charges to be paid
C. postage alone to be collected
D. fresh registration fee is to be collected
Ans. D
42. For foreign insured articles acknowledgement
A. cannot be obtained
B. given free of charge
C. special fee will be collected
D. none of these
Ans. C
43. The mail abstract divided into
A. mail
B. bag
C. both
D. none
Ans. C
44. Head sorting assistant or order official to whom the duty is delegated by
A. head of the circle
B. head of the region
C. head of the division
D. none
Ans. A
45. Disposal of mails addressed to a section or mail office
A. The transit bags ( if any ) addressed to a section or mail office should be opened by the mail guard or mail agent
B. Bags especially the account bags and branch office bags enclosed in them should be carefully examined
C. The forward bags including sacks containing surplus unusual bag received those to be delivered at stations within the beat of the section should be at once placed in the transit bags
D. all of them correct
Ans. D
46. closing of transit bag select correct option
A. when a transit bag is to be made up, the bags due and unusual, to be dispatched in it should be checked with the entries in the mail list
B. The condition of each bag the cord with which it is tied, the label and seal,must be carefully examined by the head sorting assistant /mail guard /mail agent
C. o transit bag must always be closed and sealed in the presence and under the direct supervision of the head sorting assistant / head mail guard /mail agent
D. all correct
Ans. D
47. mail agent / mail guard final duties before quitting van or office select incorrect option
A. examine the fittings lamps
B. replace the stamps, seals, books
C. put the bag with article to return record office
D. mail is properly secured
Ans. C
48. sorting of unregistered latter mail articles hand sorting assistant
A. Supervise
B. see staff are present
C. examine good condition of bag
D. all
Ans. D
49. Payment of money orders and delivery of registered letters to lunatics
A. who has loss fingers payment will be made to be the institution on his signing the money order on behalf of such a person
B. where a person without hands or fingers living with parents, friends, guardian payment will made them
C. responsible witness who should be required
D. all correct
Ans. D
50. anticipated endowment assurance how settle amount in percentage
A. 20, 40, 20
B. 20, 20, 60
C. 60, 20, 20
D. 20, 40, 60
Ans. B
- रजिस्ट्री पत्र का पोस्ट चार्ज कैसे निकालें
ऐसे सभी के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए शब्दों पर टच करें।
- 1. रजिस्टर्ड पत्र
- 2. बीमित पत्र
- 3. बुक पैकेट
- 4. स्माल पैकेट
- 5. प्रिंटेट बुक पैकेट
- 6. रजिस्टर्ड अंध साहित्य
- 7. रजिस्टर्ड न्यूज़ पेपर
- 8. रजिस्टर्ड पार्सल
- 9. स्पीड पोस्ट वस्तु
- 10. इनलैंड ओवरवेट पार्सल
- 11. एक्सप्रेस पार्सल