Full form all most word related post office for department exam PA SA MTS LGO Postman

Full form of all most word related postal department

विभागीय परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले कुछ महत्वपूर्ण शब्दों का  पूरा नाम

  1. SO – Sub Office
  2. HPO – Head Post  Office
  1. BO – Branch Office
  2. TMO – Transit Mail Office
  3. TSO – Town Sub Office
  4. PSO- Packet Sorting Office
  5. CPMG – Chif Postmaster General
  6. PMG – Postmaster General
  7. SSPO’s – Senior Superintendent Post Office
  8. SSRM – Senior Superintendent Railway Mail
  9. SDI(P) – Sub Divisional Inspector ( Postal)
  10. ASPO’s – Assistant Supt. Post Office
  11. IRM- Inspector Railway Mail
  12. ASRM – Assistant  Superintendend Railway Mail
  13. PA- Postal Assistant
  14. SA – Soerting Asssistant
  15. VP – value Payable
  16. COP – Certificate of Post
  17. RMS – Railway Mail Service
  18. POD – Proof of Delivery
  19. BNPL – Book Now Pay Latter
  20. CTMO – Computerised Transit Mail Office
  21. SAL – Surface Air LIft Mail
  22. PSD Postal Store Dipo
  23. CSD – Circle Stamp Dipo
  24. MPCM – Multi purpose Countee Machine
  25. UPU -Universal Postal Union
  26. AMPC – Automatic Mail Processing Center
  27. PIN – Postal Index Number
  28. SPO – superintendent Of Post Office
  29. V-SAT – Very Small Apertur terminal
  30. ESMO – Extendend satellite Money Order
  31. HMS – hybrid Mail Service
  32. GPO – General Post Office
  33. TO – Transit Office
  34. CRC – Computerized Registration Center
  35. SSO – Sorting Sub Office 
  36. NPO – Nodel Post Office
  37. CBU – Central Bagging Unit
  38. KBU – Kendriya Bagging Unit
  39. RLO – Returned Latter Office
  40. FPO – Foreign Post Office
  41. FSPO – Foreign Sub Post Office
  42. CMO – Corporate Mail Office
  43. BMO – Bulk Mail Office 
  44. MMC – Mass Mailing Center 
  45. PSO – Press Sorting Office 
  46. HRO – Head Record  Office
  47. SRO – Sub Record Office 
  48. UBO – Unit Bag Office 
  49. CBO  – Circle Bag Office
  50. CBO – Central Bag Office 
  51. DBO – District Bag Office
  52. SSA – Subsidiary Sorting Office 
  53. SPB – Speed Post Bag 
  54. RPB – Registered Post Bag
  55. HVMO – High Value Money Order 
  56. IMO – Instant Money Order
  57. HSA – Head Sorting Assistant
  58. DPS – Director Postal Service

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